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February 2016


Happy Valentine’s Day!! And I grew old one more. Feb,1st. I believe this year will be brilliant. It’s not easy to exceed my inhibitions and limits, but I will do it. -STUCK- This word is what I am now. The other day, I was kept waiting a hour on the train, another day I trapped temporarily in a elevator for 40 min. In addition that, my present situation is hard. Now it time to patience for my bright future. I can’t wait at the time. Anyone has ups and downs. One of the hardest thing is BE NATURAL.(Relax) We can easily can put muscle into our body, but it’s hard that let our body go limp. When you are drowned, important thing is relax. Not move too much. Otherwise you exhausted yourself by not swimming, just moving. If you can 100% relax your body, your whole body will be float.… Read More »Wish→Want→Will