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Do not giving up your Dream will become your Dream. Toshihiko Nakazawa

Here comes November and I’m back to NYC!
From May, I was held dance competiton, went 21 schools to performance. Had my own show and talk live. Went to Thailand to perform, Career counseling speech in some school.
There’s so much to say, I can’t write it all. Every Thing great experience.

Do not giving up your Dream will be your Dream.

9 years passed my NY life.
Most of my friends went back their country. Sometimes changing mind is good, however sometimes we have to hang in there.

For my situation, I think I have not special skills as a dancer, performer. Continue is one of my way to challenge in NYC. Can’t Nobody ‘Continue’

Now I’m 33 years old. People advise me
“What are you gonna do when your body can’t move?”
“If you injured, it’s the end…”

I understand they intended no offence, that’s from their kindnesss. If we want to get something, set a goal is important. But I think I don’t need to set the goal
“when I can’t move”
Maintenance your body can keep it fresh and Self-discipline can make your mind rich.

Only I can decide my goal. I’m nobody else.

Perhaps I can’t repeat the same thing, same routine in the future. I can’t do everything. I can’t talk to everyone.

Someone has missing parts.

Each of us will play their part.

Thankfully I’ve been busy since I came back to NY.
I do The Ride regularly again and I will perform off Broadway show “Grindhouse Ballet” November 14,15,16,17th
at theater 80.

Come to see us and feel passion and drug and Love!!