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February 4, 2018

201802 Don’t worry about your Worry. 悩む事を決して恐れない

My Favorite February!! (My birthday Feb 1st!) 日本語は下へ As you may know, I had been in Japan from Halloween, and performances 10 cities, 34 events. Thanks a bunch, guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Who do you admire? I want to say I am my hero. This is big chance when in a dilemma. All dilemmas have at their base two, perhaps three, separate solutions, that seem to contradict each other. We always have to decide one answer, sometimes a combination of the two or three available, sometimes one entirely new altogether that one can’t see, that’s perfect for the issue. But the best solution is always there. Do something you like. The felt sense of dilemma is the natural feeling of having to choose between two (or more) terrible choices right now. Like fear (as opposed to anxiety), it is designed for a two-minute situation, like… Read More »201802 Don’t worry about your Worry. 悩む事を決して恐れない