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All begins with misunderstanding.

Happy New Year…!!!
I know it’s still 2014, but I guess I can’t get time around New Year’s day, so I will make a flying start toward 2015!!
I have a show the last day of the year, so that’s will the last day of performance for the year. Busy is always good!!

How’s your year of 2014?
 Start of 2014, I made a yearly goal, and more than half of that were come true. But still there are need to do(instead so many things couldn’t imagine) . So 2015, I will decide upon a definite goal. I will live the best life day by day. This year would be the challenging year for me. To use 29 year’s my experience, I will be more exciting way. It’s never too late to start. Because, if you want to start something, you can start that. If you can’t do that, you can’t choose anyway. If we have chance to choose, follow our instincts. I guess I say same things as usual. I am saying same things again, but important thing has to be say many times until understand. I think even any relationship, we are saying same things. “I love you” or to children, “don’t do that”. we need time to understand everything even adult.
 I’m not post in Facebook so much. I upload small things by twitter, or Instagram. People asking me my post is too long to read. Lol Facebook is too big, so one post can have a great influence. That’s why I spend much time to make sentences.
 In Jan, I have big audition again, also working THE RIDE, teaching, and some performances… everything going on simultaneously, but I still need guts! Still I can do something here. Dancing New York, live in America, Only these things, I am happy to being here.

 We don’t know when this moment will be end, I will live my life fullest! When I begin to realize the ending, time changing the shape. I got used to the life here, but at the same time, something important things forgetful. 2015, I need your help for sure. Thanks to you all, I am still here. It was because of your support, I am still dancing here.

Wishing you all the happiness and love to stay.

※This pic from last June’s interview in Japan talked about my experience and my dream.

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